About Us
Our Objectives
The Scottish Distillers Association is the representative body for distillers in Scotland. Our object is to promote the craft of distilling and protect Scotland’s reputation as a worldwide centre of excellence in the production of distilled spirits.
Relaunching as the Scottish Distillers Association in September 2018 has widened our role and remit and placed us as an authoritative voice of the Scottish distilling industry.
Apply to join us here
- To represent the best interests of Scottish distillers
- To provide accreditation for members creating authentic Scottish spirits
- To promote the high quality and diverse range of premium Scottish spirits
- To assist distilleries with access to markets in Scotland, the UK and internationally
- To assist distillers in training and development opportunities
- To help grow the value of the Scottish distilling industry as part of the national strategy for Scotland Food and Drink
All our members have passed strict criteria to allow them to be accredited as authentic Scottish distillers. Accredited Scottish distillers carry a Quality Marque which helps the consumer with their buying decisions and maintains the reputation of high quality Scottish spirits. All our members:
- Own and operate a still in Scotland
- Distil and bottle spirits in Scotland
- Make reasonable claims in the place naming of spirits
- Operate with an HMRC licence and in accordance with the Trades Description Act, Advertising Standards Authority and responsible drinking guidelines

© Scottish Distillers Association 2018