FAQs specific for distillers and brewers on Coronavirus can be found here.
For further advice, support and the latest information on the Coronavirus crisis, please visit www.foodanddrink.scot/coronavirus or contact Scotland Food & Drink directly on info@foodanddrink.scot.
Welcome to the Scottish Distillers Association
The Scottish Distillers Association (SDA) promotes the craft of Scottish distilling and acts as a voice for the Scottish distilling industry.
The growing consumer desire for Scottish spirits is borne from Scotland’s distilling credentials, built up over more than 150 years. Our unique terroir and botanicals grown on our doorstep, coupled with our history and skills, has resulted in Scotland’s reputation as one of the most creative and innovative places to distil in the world, from whisky and gin, to rum, vodka and even absinthe.
All SDA members are accredited and carry a marque to ensure we maintain the highest reputation for Scottish distilling. Find out more about our members, becoming a member and the latest news and events.
© Scottish Distillers Association 2019